
art pieces art landart waldviertel design by f maurer

Jahr: 2019<2005Vertrieb: design galerie, Wien In seiner Auseinandersetzung mit Materialien, Proportionen und Perspektiven schafft f maurer seit Anbeginn auch Arbeiten im künstlerischen Bereich. Die Werkserie „sign“ entstand ursprünglich als schwimmende Landart-Objekte für einen Teich im Waldviertel. Einblicke: Ausstellung Wien im Oktober 2019


art pieces interior art design design by interior interiors interspaces2 1

Year: 2019Distribution: design galerie, Vienna f maurer often sees the exciting not in the present, but in the space in between. "Interspaces" is therefore the name of the series of leather hides that float ghostly in space or appear almost corporeal on the metal stand, extended by the shadow of the object.


art pieces interior art design design by interior interior transfer09

Jahr: 2019<2004Vertrieb: design galerie, Wien Ein Minimum an Form. Holz auf seine Struktur reduziert, durch die Farbe weiß nahezu entfremdet. Oder mit einer gummiartigen Oberfläche versehen, irritierend  bei Berührung. In seiner Serie „transfer“ arbeitet f maurer mit Sinneseindrücken. Geht es ihm doch um das Transferieren von ursprünglich Erwartetem und das A-ha-Erlebnis beim zweiten Blick, bei […]


art pieces interior art design design by interior interior proportions01

Year: 2019Distribution: design galerie, Vienna Proportion refers to a proportionality that relates to various factors. Often, proportion is equated with aesthetics and harmony. Which is to say that various proportion doctrines, such as the "Golden Section" or Le Corbusier's "Modulor", and the resulting proportionalities are pleasing to the viewer. "In my installation "proportions" I use [...]

look twice!

art pieces interior art design design by interior interior naturals01

Year: 2019Distribution: design galerie, Vienna In his exploration of materials, proportions and perspectives, f maurer has also been creating works in the artistic field since the very beginning. The series of works "look twice!" sharpens the artist's own view of everyday perceptions. Insights: Exhibition in Vienna, October 2019


art pieces interior art design design by interior interior perspectives04

Year: 2019Distribution: design galerie, Vienna The works from the cycle "Perspectives" are based on a space shown in perspective, which is shortened in its depth or the depth of the space is simulated by distortion, as is also used in the theater. Depending on the selected position of the "frame", each rotated by 90 °, the perspective of the viewer changes in the [...]


art pieces interior art layers5

Year: 2019Distribution: design galerie, Vienna In his exploration of materials, proportions and perspectives, f maurer has also been creating works in the artistic field since the very beginning. The series of works "layerings" works with layers, structures and colors in different arrangements. Insights: Exhibition in Vienna, October 2019